The initial problem is whom to choose to build your bike from the many professional builders whom all offer their individual unique service. It is only after considerable research one can converse with a number of builders to begin to whittle down the list until one begins to hear echoes of your own comprehensive research. Fully qualified engineers are a base requisite with a thorough understanding of not only a record of unique building attributes, but also a comprehensive knowledge of the various types of tubing and the finite understanding of their various modes of behavior. In the case of a true Randonneur that respects the geometric heritage of the the great French builders of the forties and fifties it is a wise move to study their creations if only to ensure that your assembled knowledge allows one to be able to converse with your builder upon the specific detail that a true Randonneur justly deserves. The alleged complex issues with regard to’trail’, both mechanical and pneumatic are not so complex as it appears many seem to make out, I have found that research into the subject makes the matter relatively simple so one has just to put in a little time and subsequently one is able to converse with confidence. Be aware of the many bikes that are fitted with a front carrier, but have no respect for their geometric heritage yet are allowed to be called a Randonneur. There is little point in naming those builders whom contact was made suffice to say that contact was made with the firm of Paulus Quiros, the partnership being comprised of Jonathan Paulus and Jose Quiros, and from the outset it was abundantly clear that their dedication to producing a Randonneur bike to the exacting geometric constraints such a bike demanded became clear from the very outset. It became even clearer and confirmed in my own mind when they asked if they could exhibit the bike at the Bristol Bespoke Hand Built Show 2013 and yet the construction was still on paper and many a component part were still under research. Further detailed discussion between us created a classical Randonneur essentially true to its heritage, geometrically correct, pneumatic and frame trail exact, to compliment its classical French Randonnuer inheritance. The extraordinary fact is that this bike was built by email and telephone, which is a further qualification of the partner’s abilities and my trust in both to produce a truly fine bike.